Posted by: brendaintheboro | June 16, 2024

Common cold stops play

Earlier in the week we did a short ride and then on Thursday, we decided to have a ride out as the weather wasn’t too windy or rainy.

Off we went up towards Thornton and Maltby and then on to Hutton Rudby.

At Thornton, we saw a group of older men with a large tree trunk that had been carved with a chainsaw. They were try g to decide which way to position it.

In Hutton Rudby we decided to head down to Swainby hoping to get scones at the Rusty Bike. It wasn’t to be as the cafe is closed on Wednesday and Thursdays.

So rather than ride the A172 we crossed it and rode on the Goldgate road which is a loop road meaning we could do a very short distance on the road and turn off to Faceby.

Through Faceby there is a cobbled ford which I expected would be awash. I was surprised it was actually dry! After all the rain of late it was most unexpected.

We carried on along in the shadow of the Cleveland Hills.

The Cleveland hills

We carried on along through Carlton and Kirby in Cleveland and stopped in Great Broughton to get out our flask for hot chocolate and fruit and biscuits.

Then we carried on through Ingleby Greenhow and back into Great Ayton.

It was lovely to see the toilet block has been refurbished and they have put in a water point for filling bottles. That is most welcome by walkers and cyclists.

New water dispenser

The Captain Cook Schoolroom museum in open between now and October and is free admission.

Captain James Cook who went to school in Great Ayton

From here, we headed home as I didn’t want to overdo it and wasn’t feeling too energetic.

I didn’t realise that on Friday, I would start to become snotty with a sore throat and have spent the weekend in bed.

So 49 miles ridden


  1. Husband and I have both had colds/coughs, together with a funny tummy (me) as well. Better now though, and can get up the hills again without heavy breathing! Hope you feel better soon.

    • I think there’s a lot about. Fortunately I feel a bit better today and the nose is drying up. Just hope I don’t end up with sinusitis which is usual for me

  2. You did well to get a good ride in before you were struck down. I hope that you are back up again shortly.

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